Onsite inspection required to check to confirm the price of $150 minimun. Any hidden complication will need add on cost ranging $50 to $200 and if decide to abandon will need to pay inspection fee $50 and Balance $100 will be refunded within 24hours. Alternatively HomeUnited will offer new replacement, cost dependent on brand and model.
If your washer won't drain, the main thing to check is your drain hose. It needs to be in good condition and properly installed in order to work properly. If you have a front load washer, you should also clean the pump filter. It also helps to make sure your washer is level. After correcting these issues, running a cycle should begin with draining the water in the washer.
However if the above cannot resolve the problem, customer will need HomeUnited Tech for onsite repair.
Address: Street, City, State and homeunitedrepair@gmail.com