HomeUnited Repair are trained professionals qualified to handle all types of plumbing services. From diagnosing up to fixing plumbing and sanitary problems. Our team specialises in delivering a quality plumbing repair service. Be assured that your home is in good hands as we are an established servicing company in Singapore since 1980. Our 45 years of experience is a flagship we are proud of. Your plumbing problem is our expertise.
We are PUB licensed plumber in Singapore.
HomeUnited Repair Service has been in the plumbing service since 1980. We have the efficient way to solve your plumbing problem. We solve your home plumbing problems
in no time.
Our team has qualified and professional technicians for your plumbing services needs. They are trained to assess and recognise the fix needed for your home! We are PUB licensed plumber.
Rest assured every job carry a warranty as specified by our Techs and during warranty Period, a Complain Visit Transport $10 is Payable.
We are a reputable company delivering a reputable plumbing service provider in Singapore since 1980. HomeUnited is an overall home repair company that you can trust.
No need to worry about your plumbing problem! HomeUnited Repair is your one-stop solution to all of your plumbing maintenance needs. All you have to do is to WhatsApp one number, and we will do the fixing and sourcing of parts in one stop. Leave it all up to us. We will take care of your home, so you can take care of your family.
-Plumbing Leakage
-Plumbing Blockage
But you can have it done FREE whole year round, just join Contract Plan.
Callout Charges
Callout charges is inclusive of the transportation fees,
and initial inspection of the
Plumbing Problem.
Customer need to understand that there will be add-on cost at least $30 for all concealed, stack on or above 3 m high appliance or high tech equipment at the discretion of the Service tech
when onsite to inspect.
Address: Street, City, State and homeunitedrepair@gmail.com