HomeUnited Repair are trained professionals qualified to handle all types of washing machine brands and models. From installing up to doing diagnostics and repairs. Our team specialises in delivering a quality appliance repair service. Be assured that your appliance is in good hands as we are an established company servicing Singapore since 1980. Our 45 years of experience is a flagship we are proud of. Your washing machine problem is our expertise.
HomeUnited Repair Service has been in the Washing Machine repair industry since 1980. We have the efficient way to solve your home appliance problem. We solve your oven problems in no time.
Our team has qualified and professional technicians to perform your washing machine repair needs. They are trained to assess and recognise the fix needed for your appliances.
Every job carry a warranty as specified by our Techs and during warranty Period, a Complain Visit Transport $10 is Payable. Any new or hidden problem arising will be entitle to 30% discount.
We are a reputable company delivering washing machine repair service in Singapore since 1980. HomeUnited is a home repair brand that you can trust.
No need to worry about your appliance problem! HomeUnited Repair is your one-stop solution to all of your washing machine maintenance needs. All you have to do is to call one number, and we will do the fixing and sourcing of parts in one stop! Leave it all up to us. We will take care of your home, so you can take care of your family.
50 Callout Charges for Econ Brand
80 for High End Brand
100 for Super Brand
Callout charges is inclusive of the transportation fees, and initial inspection of the appliance and will be waived once quote is accepted to proceed.
Customer need to understand that there will be add-on cost at least $30 for all concealed, stack on or above 3 m high appliance or high tech equipment at the discretion of the Service tech when onsite to inspect.
Washer is Not Working
A washing machine that won't start might be caused by a variety of issues. So, start by inspecting the main power switch for loose connections, a broken power socket, a blown fuse, and so on. If this doesn't work, make sure the door lock on your front-load washing machine is working properly.
In some circumstances, the washing machine's primary power switch or control module (PCB) stops working. If you haven't worked with live wires or high voltages before, get the washing machine inspected by a professional technician.
Washing Machine Sends Error
With the advancement of electronic that have enter the washing machine arena, they will need to design with provision of error code in assisting repair.
Hence whenever a error code pop up customer must pay attention to them and have them rectify.
Some of the error code especially those make know to customer in the user manual can be handle by DIY. But those not stated must get the washing machine inspected by a professional technician.
Washer is noisy
Objects trapped between the outer tub and the drum can also generate noise; coins and trash are frequently collected from around the heater between the drum, and they can damage the machine and any clothing inside it.
The bearings in the washing machine decay and become unreliable with time, generating a loud noise while it rotates. The operation of a washing machine with a damaged bearing can prove fatal. It is better to call for a help of a Professional Technician and fix it for you.
Washer Not Draining
The collection of textile fibres and dirt in the pump might cause it to become clogged. Because this job would necessitate disassembling the pump assembly, it is suggested that you employ a repair professional.
Washer Over Filling / Under Filling
Most likely, the pressure switch isn't working properly; there are a variety of reasons for this, and only a professional technician should attempt to repair it. Repairing it without knowing what you're doing could lead to an accident or further damage to your washing machine.
Other Problems
Other problems that can't be solved easily from your washer, you should call or find a professional technician to ask them for their help.
Address: Street, City, State and homeunitedrepair@gmail.com