Warranty Plan

by HomeUnited

HomeComplete Warranty

Your Future Problem,

We Have The Present Solution:

Are you looking for someone to free your worries from home breakdowns and repairs? 

HomeUnited Repair Service is now offering a smart way to solve all your present and future home technical breakdown problems!

We are the first company in Singapore to offer Warranty service for all home Plumbing,

Elect. Equipment System and Appliances breakdowns you can think of.

It is like spending $1.33 per day to have all technical breakdown fixed inside your home for the whole year round.


What is Appliance Warranty Plan? 

Instead of Adhoc repair,

why not be Prepared.  

HomeComplete and Appliance Warranty Plan is giving customer the benefit of :

  No Hassle

No Transport

No Inspection Fee

Contract that offers you

Free Inspection & Free Repair

Discounted Renewal Fee by No Visit Bonus

Since 1980 as Adhoc repair and

into 2000 as Warranty Provider.

We are dedicated in providing

Personalise and Reliable Services

that are just right for Customer to have a Home Sweet Home.

We Offer a complete  C-A-R-E for your home

HomeUnited Warranty Plan offers

you a philosphy called

C-A-R-E and is our MISSION.

This philosophy provides a wide array of options that are just right for your

Home System and Appliances Problems.

Complete Services For Technical Home Care

HomeComplete Warranty Service Includes: Special Item + Heater/ Handyman + Appliances + Plumbing + Elect. Equipment Repairs. Believe us when we say that we have almost all the right services for your home's need. We can repair almost everything in your home except the Radio, TV and Aircon. 

 We've got complete tools and proper expertise to handle appliances, pipes, elect, equipment and many more.  All you have to do is select us in providing a holistic approach in taking care of your home. When you enroll to our plan,  any technical breakdowns you have at home, you are well prepared.

From $40 per month/ $1.33 per day if you pay upfront, you get peace of mind for 1 year.

Right, you are thinking about the price. Don't worry, we got you. We Always offer reasonable price depending on your need. Our goal is to provide you with the right service. So, we have flexible options/ plan for you to choose from.  Imagine spending only $1.33 daily to secure your home? That's the most affordable home maintenance plan that you can see out in the market! That's even cheaper than a bottle of sodas water! 


Our Experience From 1980 Tells It All

HomeUnited Repair Services have grounded experiences of providing home repairs. Such experiences justifies our dedication to improve your home. Aside from that, we have teams of professional handymans, technicians,  and customer services representative to assist and help you with what you need.


A commitment to our member customers

"Extra Mile" is definitely the word we think when we are offering our service to our HomeComplete Warranty Plan Members. We look beyond your needs and provide practical solutions to your home problems for you to have an amazing experience with your so called home. You tell us the problem, and we will be the solution. 

Econ Plan


Annual -Contract

Sign Up Now

Super Plan


Annual -Contract

Sign Up Now

 Warranty Plan


Annual -Contract for Free Repair of

All Cooking and Washing Appliances

Perfect for Hassle Free immediate attention

  • No admin fee, No GST & Renewal is variable 
  • No Visit Bonus rebate up to 80% for Renewal
  • 30% discount on all major repairs
  • Free labour cost for MINOR REPAIRS
  • Just pay part Cost, FREE Repair
  • Free transport and checking
  • Unlimited Number of Repairs.
Sign Up Now


Appliances repair, Home System Repair and even problem diagnosis can be tedious, but with HomeComplete or Appliance Warranty Plan as your Caretaker partner in Caring and fixing overall home and appliance problems, expect a hassle-free and smooth transaction.



HomeComplete and Appliance Warranty Plan is founded with a reputation for quality and ethical business practices in Singapore. It has grown quickly but prudently, building a team of highly qualified and Licensed Tech specialists from Technicians with PUB and EMA specialising in all home  system and appliance repairs.


We are a Co-Operative Business for

HomeComplete and Appliance Warranty Plan

established to bring CARE, repair and

closer to each home

from any part of Singapore. It provides services to every family and individual by providing 1 stop Service for 90% of your Home Items repair services for a wide range of

household systems and appliances for

Home Sweet Home in Singapore.

We take care care of your home so you can take care of what matters most to you - FAMILY.

How It Works


Choose Econ/Super Plan or Appliance Plan to suit your Budget.


Confirm the selected plan 

3. SUBMIT and

PayNow to 89456948

Submit and Settle your Payment & Screenshot to our WhatsApp at 80331955 to confirm.

 Warranty Plan Registration

Please ensure all details are entered.

Sign up to our newsletter

I Join and Acknowledge the terms:

1. I register my Warranty Plan  here.

2. I accept and shall comply to the Standard Terms and Conditions.

3. I accept that HomeUnited may decline and Refund without any reason anytime.

4. I declare that the above Informations are true and correct.

5. I will pay HomeUnited iduly mmediately via PayNow to 89456948.

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